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Privacy policy

Šī privātuma politika izskaidro mūsu datu apstrādes paņēmienus un Jūsu iespējas attiecībā uz to, kādā veidā Jūsu personas dati tiek apkopoti un izmantoti. Vietne pieder un ar to operē, pārvalda un vada uzņēmums SIA “VERVE”, vienotais reģ. nr. 44103148110, juridiskā adrese: Miesnieku iela 12, Rīga, LV-1050.

Protection of personal data

Privātuma politika attiecībā uz personas datu aizsardzību pamatojas uz 2016. gada 27.aprīļa Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr.2016/679 (turpmāk tekstā – Regula).

Data collection, storage and processing

Data is collected to:

  • enable us to provide the service;
  • allow you to apply for various events organized by us;
  • enable us to develop new products and services;
  • allow us to respond to your questions or objections;
  • prepare anonymous statistics about the use of the website;
  • analyze the characteristics of our customers in order to use them for marketing communication purposes.

Collected personal data is processed in accordance with the policy described in the Regulation. pārvaldītāji datus lietos tikai iepriekš minēto mērķu nolūkā un lai uzlabotu pakalpojumu kvalitāti.

Responsibility for data processing

Ja Jums rodas jautājumi par Jūsu personas datu apstrādi, sūtiet e-pastu uz [email protected]. pārvaldītāji, kuriem ir pieeja personu identificējošai informācijai, tiek pieprasīta šīs informācijas aizsardzības nodrošināšana saskaņā ar šo privātuma politiku, piemēram, neizmantot informāciju citiem mērķiem, kā tikai pakalpojumu, kas ir nepieciešami klientam, sniegšanai.

Tikai attiecīgi pilnvaroti pārvaldītāji var piekļūt datiem, autorizējoties ar savu paroli.

The data processor responsible for the processing of this data:

  • for the purpose of providing services are: "VERVE", reg. no. 44103148110, legal address: Miesnieku 12, Riga, LV-1050
  • for marketing purposes, there are trusted companies that provide marketing tools and with whom we have contracts.

Data that is collected:

  • in registration, application and price request questionnaires – the applicant's name and e-mail address and any other information that is included in the questionnaire.
  • in vacancy applications – name, surname, e-mail, phone number and any other information that is included in the CV or other attached documents.
  • contacts – the applicant's name and email address and any other information included in the contact form.
  • data storage time.

We will retain personal, customer and business information for as long as necessary to:

  • provide services and information that you or your company have requested;
  • contact you about the request you have submitted to us.
  • the ability to access, verify and correct your data.

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data, check the correctness of the stored information and/or correct or update this information. You can also request to delete your personal information completely if you currently have no active requests.

We will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with appropriate access to any of your personal information that we hold for 30 days from your request for access.

To protect your privacy and security, we will take appropriate steps to verify your identity before providing information about your requested personal data.

In case of questions or complaints

Ja vēlaties piekļūt, dzēst (atsevišķos gadījumos) vai labot Jūsu personisko informāciju, lūdzam sazināties ar datu pārzini, kurš ir atbildīgs par šo datu apstrādi (e-pasta adrese: [email protected]).

Sūdzību gadījumā rakstiet datu aizsardzības amatpersonai (e-pasta adrese: [email protected]).

If you submit a privacy-related complaint, we will record your name and/or company name, the name, email and country location of the person making the complaint, and the information that formed the basis of the complaint. We will use the information you provide to review your complaint and send you a response once your complaint has been processed.

Cookie policy

“Sīkdatnes” ir sīka apjoma informācija, kuras interneta vietne saglabā Jūsu datorā vai mobilajā ierīcē, kad Jūs apmeklējat interneta vietni. Tā ļauj serverim apkopot informāciju no Jūsu pārlūka, tādējādi Jums vienmēr nav dati jāievada no jauna, kad Jūs atgriežaties interneta vietnē. Vairāk informācijas par to, kā darbojas sīkdatnes, ir pieejama interneta vietnē

Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies to improve the quality of the services offered. We use session cookies, persistent cookies and third-party (partner) cookies to:

  • remembered screen settings of your device;
  • remember your actions on the website (so that you are not asked to do it again);
  • remember whether you have consented to our use of cookies on this website;
  • to send you advertising that best suits your interests, to limit the number of times you see an ad, and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign;
  • collect reliable website usage information that allows us to measure how well the website meets the needs of its users.

Enabling these cookies is not absolutely necessary for the main functions of the website, but it will provide you with a better browsing experience. You can delete or block these cookies at any time, but if you do, some features of the website may not work as well as intended.

Please note that some cookies may be placed by a third-party service provider that performs certain functions for our purposes.

Personal data and its transfer

The information associated with cookies is not used to identify you personally, and the collected data is kept under our control. These cookies are not used for any purposes other than those described here.

Controlling cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies if you wish. You can delete or block all cookies that are already on your computer, but if you do, certain features of this website may not work as intended and you may have to manually adjust certain preferences each time you visit the website.

You can accept the use of cookies on this website or opt out and stop using this website.

We work with third parties to collect your activities on our website in order to improve our marketing efforts and provide you with advertising based on your visit to our website.

You can choose to have your information collected and used for remarketing purposes by continuing to use this website, or you can opt out and stop using this website.

Sharing of Personal Information

We may make your personal information, customer information or business information available to companies that provide services to assist us in our business, such as providing website analytics or customer service. These companies are authorized to use your personal information, customer information only to the extent necessary to provide us with these services.

We will share your personal, customer or business information with third parties only as described in this Privacy Policy. We will not sell your personal information to third parties in any way.